Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Episode 182: The Halfway Point!

Ash faces off against Morty for his 4th Jhoto League Gym Battle!  Who will win?  Well, do you have to ask...?
Head over to PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, for Pokemon music and holiday themed fun! Also, the ORAS soundtrack is now for sale!  What a Christmas present that could make...

Monday, December 22, 2014

Episode 181: Give Up The Ghost!

Finally here in Not-Kyoto, Ash is ready to hit the gym and get his fourth Jhoto League badge!  But first, he has to meet the gym leader, and also flashback to episode one... Tune in to hear more!

And don't forget to check out PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, for 24/7 pokemon music- Now with holiday music to get you in the festive spirit! 

Episode 180: Doom and Gloom!

Another day, another filler.  Togepi gets into it's usual mischief, but makes a new friend in the process.  Click here to find out who...

Also, head over to PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, for Pokemon music and holiday themed fun!  Or, stop by Pokepress' Soundcloud page to hear a brand new interview up with Brian Steckler, co-writer of "Catch Me If You Can" from the Pokemon First Movie soundtrack!  Check it out!

Episode 179: Apple Of My Eye!

The team travels through an orchard on their way to the next gym.  Food is sure to keep Ash in a good mood, but the owner of the orchard is having some troubles.  Click here to hear more!

And don't forget to check out PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, for 24/7 pokemon music- Now with holiday music to get you in the festive spirit! 

Special Episode: The Psychic Knight Returns!

Normally, legendary pokemon are several centuries old, you know, alive for long enough to accrue some legends.  But Mewtwo here, he was always ahead of the curve.  Curious as to what he's been up to the past year or so?  Tune in to find out...

Also, head over to PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, for Pokemon music and holiday themed fun! They have holiday music added to the mix, and that's sure to brighten anyone's day!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Special Episode: Super Pichu Bros!

Taking a jaunt into Pokemon Chronicles today... and more recurring character!  Remember the Pichu Brothers?  Click here to find out what crazy shenanigans they've been up to...

Stop by Pokepress' Soundcloud page!  They have a brand new interview up with Brian Steckler, co-writer of "Catch Me If You Can" from the Pokemon First Movie soundtrack!  Check it out!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Episode 178: Pride Cometh Before A Fall...

Ash has been showing some growth and improvement over the past few months.  Unfortunately, it's starting to go to his head... Can a character of the day knock him down a peg or two?  Tune in to find out!

And don't forget to check out PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, for 24/7 pokemon music- Now with holiday music to get you in the festive spirit! 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Episode 177: How Much Is That Yanma In The Window?

No recurring characters today!  It's all new faces, so tune in to meet our new friends, Zachary and Yanma!  Lots of destruction in this episode, no window in town is safe!  Tune in to hear what I mean, and see how Team Rocket intends to profit from it...

Also, head over to PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, for Pokemon music and holiday themed fun!  Or, stop by Pokepress' Soundcloud page to hear a brand new interview up with Brian Steckler, co-writer of "Catch Me If You Can" from the Pokemon First Movie soundtrack!  Check it out!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Episode 176: Go Ninja, Go Ninja, Go!

Blazing through the holidays, it's the third installment of our holiday marathon!  Lately it's been a case of 'Ghosts of Characters Past'.  Who's the recurring character today?  Tune in to find out!

You know what else you should do?  Stop by Pokepress' Soundcloud page!  Why?  They have a brand new interview up with Brian Steckler, co-writer of "Catch Me If You Can" from the Pokemon First Movie soundtrack!  Check it out!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Episode 175: Unexpected Payoff!

The holiday marathon continues!  And, once again, we see some familiar faces in this episode!  And just who is our half-forgotton friend?  You'll have to tune in to find out...

And be sure to check out PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, for 24/7 pokemon music- Now with holiday music to get you in the festive spirit! 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Episode 174: Highest Form Of Flattery!

Duplica is back!  So it's going to be a case of double vision today, and we are graced with a Team Rocket Disguise that is sure to please, some substandard move-sets on Ash's part and a battle that proves Wobbuffet is smarter than any of us thought.(But maybe not smart enough...?)  Tune in to listen, as we kick off this year's Pikapi Podcast Holiday Marathon!
This disguise is all of the yes
Also, head over to PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, for Pokemon music and holiday themed fun! They have holiday music added to the mix, and that's sure to brighten anyone's day!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Episode 173: Wibbily Wobbuly...

This episode was unexpectedly anger inducing... I dunno, maybe your host is just in a mood.  But sure to cheer everyone up is tons and tons of Wobbuffet!  Just looking at them makes you feel warm and happy... or so this village believes.  Tune in to listen!

And don't forget to check out PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, for 24/7 pokemon music- Now with holiday music to get you in the festive spirit! 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Episode 172: Comin' Around The Mountain!

Science clearly took a vacation for this episode.  There is no way anything in this episode actually happened.  I know that's silly to say in a series where living creatures get turned into energy and stored in capsules, but still... I'm with Team Rocket, maybe the whole thing was a dream?  Tune in to decide for yourself...

Also, head over to PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, for Pokemon music and holiday themed fun!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Episode 171: Water Under The Bridge

Today is a day of ceasefire.  A truce, a sign of budding maturity, or something.  Basically, Ash and Gary, in a power plant, not killing each other.  I love it!  Tune in to hear the two actually playing nice!

And check out Pokepress' coverage of the Phantom Forces Pre-release!  They have many other interviews and reports, so visit their YouTube channel to hear more!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Episode 170: The One With All The Inappropriate Tongue Action

This episode was recorded in a hotel room in New York City, where my set-up was different, the mike was a back-up, and the background noise was a nightmare to edit out.  As a result, the sound quality leaves a little to be desired, I sound like I'm talking from the future where we get taken over by robots.
But it's still one of the funniest episodes I've seen in a while, Pokemon is extra zany today, and I hope you enjoy it!  Click here to listen!

Never thought you'd see this day, did you?

Like cards?  Check out Pokepress' coverage of the Phantom Forces Pre-release! 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Episode 169: Miss and Mister Un-Congeniality!

Another week in this busy, hectic fall!  We see a familiar face, and say goodbye to another friend... all set to the backdrop of high fashion.  A beauty pageant for pokemon hits town, and one of our team will compete!  Which pokemon will it be?  Tune in to find out!

And check out Pokepress' coverage of the Phantom Forces Pre-release! 


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Episode 168: Give It A Whirl!

Misty's back!  I know she didn't really go anywhere, but I feel like I haven't seen her for awhile.  It's nice to see her take center stage.  Her and Poliwhirl both.  Tune in to hear the adventures of Misty!

And don't forget:  Pokepress has a soundcloud page!  A great place to find their previous interviews.  Also, visit PIRN Radio to stream Pokemon music to your heart's content! Music and Behind-the-scenes stuff?  What more could you want, right?

Monday, October 27, 2014

Episode 167: Disturb Not The Harmony of Fire, Grass and Water...

Ash's pokemon are fighting.  It was bound to happen eventually, but what's got them in such a snit?  (Honestly, I don't think they know themselves...)  Tune in to see if Totodile, Cyndaquil and Chikorita can put aside their differences before Team Rocket gets involved!

And of course, drop by PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, for pokemon music streaming all the live-long day!  Pokepress also has a soundcloud page, so whether it's music or interviews you're after, you can find it all!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Episode 166: Like A Record, Baby...

Like a whirling dervish, the weekend came and went.  I'm exhausted, but probably not as much as Hitmontop.  Ash meets a new pokemon, and also gets an unexpected job offer.  Think he has what it takes to run a dojo?  Click here to listen!

And don't forget:  Pokepress has a new soundcloud page!  A great place to find their previous interviews.  Also, visit PIRN Radio to stream Pokemon music to your heart's content!  All you could want!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Episode 165: Puzzle Games and Medical Mayhem!

Well, it's October!  That time of year where my life starts to get really busy... I'm a little stressed out by mice, but so is Team Rocket!  Pikachu looks positively devious... Don't believe me?  Listen for yourself...

And don't forget:  Pokepress has a new soundcloud page!  A great place to find their previous interviews.  Also, visit PIRN Radio to stream Pokemon music to your heart's content!  All the music, all the time!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Episode 164: A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Meowth Balloon...

If we only learn one thing from this episode, it should be that Noctowl has miles of untapped potential.  Really, given Ash's unconventional battle style, Noctowl should be seeing a lot more action.  It's almost scary how talented that bird is.  Tune in to hear why.

And of course, drop by PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, for pokemon music streaming all the live-long day!  Pokepress also has a soundcloud page, so whether it's music or interviews you're after, you can find it all!

Other things to be excited about, Pokemon Crossroads just launched a comics section, Comics Central.  This way to hear more about it!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Episode 163: All Hail Lord Helix!

Gary missed out on a lot of things because he was being prideful/antagonistic/questioning his life choices... but I'm sure his biggest regret is missing this episode.  Really, if there was ever an episode that needed an appearance from Indiana Oak, this was it.  That said, the episode's pretty entertaining without him... Tune in to listen!

And don't forget:  Pokepress has a new soundcloud page!  A great place to find their previous interviews.  Also, visit PIRN Radio to stream Pokemon music to your heart's content! Music and Behind-the-scenes stuff?  What more could you want, right?

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Episode 162: It's a Rock! It's a Tree! It's... Sudowoodo!

No matter how much the regional professors toil at their research, there will always be some mysteries in the world of Pokemon.  One such mystery has a pair of scientists stumped.  Can Ash and his friends help shed some light on this?  Tune in to find out!
photo vlcsnap-7619203.png
Yeah, it's that episode...

Pokepress has a soundcloud page!  A great place to find their previous interviews.  And don't forget to visit PIRN Radio to stream Pokemon music to your heart's content!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Episode 161: Bug-Off!

Who's that Pokemon?

An old friend is back!  Casey, the baseball enthusiast!  Not only this, but Ash catches a new Pokemon?  It's an episode full of familiar faces and also surprise twists, tune in to listen!

Pokepress has a soundcloud page!  A great place to find their previous interviews.  And don't forget to visit PIRN Radio to stream Pokemon music to your heart's content!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Episode 160: The Thrilling Adventure Half-Hour!

I don't think it's possible to articulate how epic and full of crack this episode is. 

Oh, it starts out fairly normal.  But a little improv goes wrong in a hurry, and before we know it, the whole thing is a delightful mess.  Really, this one is worth a rewatch. 
Tune in to see what I'm talking about!!

Also for your entertainment, Pokepress has two new videos up!  An interview with a SuperSmash Bros Player, and also, a consumer warning!

And of course, drop by PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, for pokemon music streaming 24/7!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Episode 159: Holy Cow!

Unimpressed Miltank is unimpressed
After such a devastating loss (which was a complete 180 from the first half of the battle) how is Ash going to cope?  Well, he does get a little emo, but then he comes back with the kind of crazy strategy we all know and love.  Tune in to hear about his rematch with Whitney!

Don't forget to check out PIRN for all your pokemon music needs!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Episode 158: They See Me Rollin'...

Gym Battle Day!  We finally made it to Goldenrod City, and I think everyone in the pokemon fandom can identify with Ash's experience today.  Tune in for a frustrating (and suprisingly fast) gym battle!

And visit pirnradio.blogspot.com for an interview with the concert-mistress of Pokemon Symphonic Evolutions!  And tune in for all your favorite Pokemon music!

I still think she's related to Nurse Joy

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Episode 157: Flaming Moltres!

James is a flaming Moltres.
... yeah, nothing else in this episode can beat that.

Tune in for all the crazy, delivered as only Team Rocket knows how!

Also, Pokepress has two videos up from 2014 Pokemon Worlds, with more to come!

Click the links to join in that fun!  And don't forget to visit PIRN Radio to listen to Pokemon music, any time of night or day!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Episode 156: Psychic Shenanigans!

Despite all the promises, no ghosts were battled in the making of this episode.  But that doesn't stop Team Rocket from trying.  A girl tries to be a great Psychic Pokemon trainer, and since she's not quite as unhinged as Sabrina was, I say all power to her... at least until things start to glow...  Tune in to have a clue what I'm talking about.

There's also music news!  Poke press has you covered, on digital release of "Somewhere, Someday" as part of "The Essential N*SYNC" album.  (on iTunes or Amazon) Click the links to find out what's going on in the world of Pokemon music, as well as download and enjoy the song.  (Ah, the memories...) 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Movie Episode 3: Crouching Entei, Hidden Charizard!

As far as I'm concerned, this is the best Pokemon movie ever made.  And so, we have an hour and a half of happy flailing!
Get ready, folks!  This movie has it all.  

We have Mom showing up,

games of Scrabble,
and Charizard taking over the movie, among other things.  Tune in to listen!

Don't forget to check out PIRN for all your pokemon music needs!

In fact, Pokepress has some thoughts on a re-release of a tract from Pokemon's first movie soundtrack.  Check it out!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Episode 155: Poking The Bear

If you go out in the woods today, you're in for a big surprise.  A herd of Ursaring make life difficult for our heroes, and also forced them to team up with their foes... How will that turn out?  Tune in to listen!

Don't forget to check out PIRN for all your pokemon music needs!  

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Episode 154: Ooh, Shiny!

For a filler episode, we have some interesting discussion on the unwritten rules of Pokemon Training, the honor and sportsmanship behind the act of "capture".  I really wasn't expecting it at all, but I'm always ready to talk about that!  Also, Ash catches a new player, one that has absolutely no problem taking over his job... How is that going to work out? You'll have to tune in...

We are also up to our ears in PokeNews!  Not only do we have the Diancie movie to gush about (or wish we could see it and gush about it) but we also have Pokemon Symphonic Evolutions to look forward to, we have the Gen III remakes to postulate about, and inexplicably, we have Warner Bros re-releasing movies we thought they didn't have the rights to anymore...

And as if that wasn't enough, we have interviews from the Pokemon US Nationals:  the Seniors TCG winner, and a interview with a cosplayer, getting into the nuts and bolts (and stitches) of creating her Delphox costume.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Episode 153: How To Train Your Totodile!

It's movie tiiiime! 
The summer blockbusters are upon us, this weekend will have the release of Pokemon's summer movie, along with Studio Ghibli's summer movie... same day, people, sit back and grab that popcorn...
I talk for a very long time on this subject and somehow managed to work Dreamworks and How To Train Your Dragon 2 into this (and really, why not?) so the opening tangent is probably longer than the rest of the episode.  Skip ahead twenty minutes if it starts to bore you.
In our actual episode, Totodile is the new Brock.  Ash and Misty are not amused.  Tune in to hear if this pokemon will find true love?
We also received an interview courtesy of Pokemon Crossroads, this one is from Animerica, July 1999 issue.  The interview is with Takemoto Mori (scroll down the page for it) but it also has other interesting articles and interviews on the subject of Pokemon.  A great find! 

Don't forget to check out PIRN for all your pokemon music needs!  
And for more on Pokemon Symphonic Evolutions, you can listen to an interview Pokepress conducted, here!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Episode 152: Nerves of Steel!

Up in the mountains is a trainer and pokemon who utterly waste any fire types that happen to cross their path... Ash can't resist the challenge, and that means Cyndaquil's gonna have to wake up and excericise.  Tune in to see how that goes!

To hear more about Pokemon Symphonic Evolutions, head on this way to Pokepress!

This is how we should always do training

And this way to PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, for all sorts of Pokemon music!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Episode 151: Custody Battle!

Pikachu faces his toughest opponent yet in this delightful episode!  Really, so much fun, I couldn't stop laughing.  Wanna know what happened?  Well, you should tune in here...

You can also visit PIRN Radio for all sorts of Pokemon Music!  This way!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Episode 150: Delvil May Care!

Ash really gets to be a hero in this episode.  In fact, he kind of goes overboard by the end.  The kids have to deal with a dark pokemon that hides in the shadows, solve some mysteries, head up a rescue mission... it's pretty action-packed for a filler episode!  Tune in to listen!

And this way for Pokemon music, at PIRN Radio!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Episode 148: Can I Get A Woop Woop?

Of all the weird things that happen in this episode, Togepi being left to babysit a group of troublesome Wooper has to be my favorite.  Also, Arbok.  Arbok is love. 
The gang is helping out at a preschool for Wooper today!  What kind of shenanigans do you think they'll get up to?  Well, you'll just have to listen and find out, won't you!

This way to PIRN, for all your Pokemon music needs! 

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Episode 147: We Didn't Start The Fire!

We're going to be seeing a lot of familiar faces today.  It's like the auditions for the Ninja Turtles or something... But a Water Pokemon tournament is being held, and a lot of old friends want to enter, so get ready for a trip down memory lane!  You can click here to listen!

And this way for Pokemon Music, courtesy of PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Episode 146: A Face Only A Trainer Could Love

The kids go to a swap meet, but it's not secondhand junk they're trading for today, but Pokemon.  Could anyone possibly convince Ash to trade Pokemon after the Butterfree incident?  Well, let's find out...

Also, I'm doing some site maintenence this week, so be patient if things get a little rough.

There's some cool new articles I found in the Pokemon Interviews Tab, and Pokepress has an interview with Helen Mcarthy, author of the anime encyclopedia.  Check that out!

And this way to PIRN Radio, for all your Poke-music needs!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Episode 145: Cut Them Down To Size!

Today's tale might seem a little farfetched... Okay, bad pun, I'll stop now.  But our kids meet a kid having trouble bonding with his pokemon, and that's exactly the sort of problem Ash loves to help with.  Tune in to meet Sylvester and Farfetch'd!

And visit PIRN, for all the Pokemon Music you could ever want! This way! 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Episode 144: On The Back Burner

Gym Day!  We go through Ash's lineup, get on Misty's case for getting on Ash's, and narrate a gym battle with a lot of twists.  We also flail a little over news of a Gen III remake, and then the breakout star of this episode was Shedinja!  Wanna find out how that works?  Well, just tune in...

Also, visit PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, and vote for your favorite tracks!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Episode 143: Insert Your Own Joke About Balls...

I refrained from any puns or jokes about balls and ten-year-olds touching them... I'm a good girl, really!  But that doesn't mean there wasn't a bunch of other stuff to laugh at this week, with the conclusion to the GS Ball arc and Kurt's artisan pokeball buisness.  Tune in to hear more about apricorns!  

Also, visit PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, and vote for your favorite tracks!

Aaand... this way to the interview with Niel Jason!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Episode 142: Just Deserts!

We've made it to Azalea Town!  But there's some other business to take care of before we can give the GS Ball to Kurt.  What could that be?  Well, tune in to find out...

Don't forget to visit PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, and sign their petition!

Town Map!...did we miss the Union Cave completely?

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Episode 141: Twerps Dig Giant Robots! (Nice)

It's a late episode, but it's also not filler!  Nope, we're catching ourselves a starter pokemon today!  Which one?  Well, the title kind of gives it away... Tune in to listen!

Don't forget to visit PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, and sign their petition!

For those who have been curious about all my fanfic references, this way to reading...

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Episode 140: Techno Battle!

Ash has to go up against a computer today... let's see how his stats match up.  Winning isn't the only important part of Pokemon Battles, that's for sure.  Certainly there are aspects of Ash's strategy that no computer database can graph out... Tune in to hear the episode!

Don't forget to visit PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, and sign their petition!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Episode 139: Mary Had A Little Lamb!

High on a hill stood a lonely goatherd... Some lost sheep have strayed from the flock today, and our kids get volunteered by Brock to help out with a herd of Mareep.  But Ash shows off some of his Future Pokemon Master skills, which balances out some of his Raving Idiot tendencies at the beginning...
Tune in to listen!

And don't forget to visit PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network!  Streaming Pokemon Music 24/7!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Episode 138: GligarMan Begins!

GligarMan Begins! Our kids meet a real life superhero!  Yes, Ash has already saved the world from destruction twice, but this guy is still pretty cool.  Or, at least, he was back in the day... it's complicated...
Tune in to listen!

And don't forget to check out PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, streaming Pokemon Tunes 24/7!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Episode 137: Born This Way!

Today's episode opens with a 20 minute discussion of Serena.  (Actually, it's more of a rant...)  I have some problems with her, and while I hope they get resolved, girl's got a lot of ground to make up...
In the actual episode, our heroes meet an Oddish who desperately wants to be a Hoppip.  Is this dream going to come true?  Well... tune in to listen!

Don't forget to stop by PIRN, to listen to pokemon music and sign their petition for the creation and release of other Pokemon tracks! 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Episode 136: Meeting Our Therapist!

Chikorita's crush is getting out of control, and while a certain Perfume song captures her feelings well enough that someone should make that AMV, it's time we sat down and dealt with it.  Luckily, this town's Nurse Joy has a degree in Pokemon Psychology!  Can she help Pikachu and Chikorita put aside their differences?

Also, XY019 aired... and things happened.  Tragic things, and so the show opens with some almost-spoilery discussion. (Mostly on how I'm a sadist who likes watching Ash get his heart (and bones) broken.)  You have been warned.
Tune in to listen!

Don't forget to stop by PIRN, to listen to pokemon music and sign their petition for the creation and release of other Pokemon tracks! 

Also, the last few parts of the interview with Ralph Schuckett are up!  Go ahead and check them out!

Part 4:

Part 5:

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Episode 135: You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile!

This may be the happiest episode ever!  Not so much because of the content, (Serena is brought up and I still have a few issues there,) but because of all the smiling Sunflora!  There's a contest in the town the kids are passing through, and while the whole things sounds like boring filler, there's a couple little things that make it unique and send me on some tangents.  Tune in and listen!
A face only a mother could love...

And don't forget to visit PIRN and check out their petition for more Pokemon music!  It's worth looking into, and you should sign it if you want more of the tracks we love made available or new soundtracks created.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Episode 134: The Charizard Episode That's Actually About Ash (But Gary Took Over)

This episode opens with an eight-minute rant involving Gary...  already that tells you what type of day it's going to be.
But really, I promised there would be rants and tangents and emotions and I delivered.  This episode is all of the things.  We haven't had such a deep episode in awhile, so I got lost down some rabbit holes.  Hope you all enjoy it, you can listen here!

And afterward, you can visit PIRN, to listen to music and check out their petition for the propagation and creation of Pokemon music.  Interesting stuff, go look!

We've got a new interview up!   Pokepress donated an interview with Kyle Herbert, the voice of Professor Oak in Pokemon the Origin!

Behind the Scenes with Pokemon!

Hey guys!  We've got some new interviews up!  Most recently, Pokepress donated an interview with Kyle Herbert, the voice of Professor Oak in Pokemon the Origin!

Pokepress also gave me links to an interview with Ralph Shuckett, composer of the dub score on the first three movies.  Here's Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Episode 133: Call in the Troops!

Togepi makes a new friend, and goes cruising in a giant tank shaped like an Arbok.  Yup, it's one of the weirder filler episodes... But I want one of these tanks, it is tricked out!  Also, fun alternate costumes, snappy one-liners and Team Rocket not being entirely evil.  Fun to be had: Click here to listen!

Also, don't forget to head to PIRN to listen to Pokemon Music and sign the petition to get more of it!  This way!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Episode 132: Rant and Roar!

It's a Misty-centric episode, but that doesn't stop a few very important moments with other characters slip into the mix.  Namely, Brock may have actually found a girl who likes him back and Chikorita is actually providing a plot through-line to tie all this filler together.  Also, I discuss listener mail, Ash's age and also his hips...   Click here to listen!

Took their sweet time, but more or less a straight route.
Don't forget to check out PIRN and their petition regarding Pokemon Music (and the lack therof).  Also, part three of the interview with Ralph Shuckett is up, here!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Episode 131: Pass With Flying Colors!


Yes, it's gym day and yes I'm excited!  Ash is going to face off in his first Jhoto League gym battle, against the FLying-type leader, Faulkner.  How will he fare?  Well, you'll just have to tune in and see!

Also, check out PIRN to sign a petiton to release (and create) more Pokemon Music.  Find out more at pirnradio.blogspot.com!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Episode 130: Things You Can't Learn In School...

For once, Team Rocket are not the ones trying to capture Pikachu.  No, it's a crafty little boy doing the honors... we also see some game locations such as Sprout Tower and the Pokemon Academy.  But best of all are the beautiful expressions Ash makes...
Tune in to listen!

Don't forget to visit PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network!  Streaming Pokemon Music 24/7!  Vote for your faves!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Episode 129: Bedside Manners!

Flashing back to revisit old memories and old friends!  Who knew Jessie could be so nice?  We meet a pokemon called Blissy, walk down memory lane, and also torture Ash quite a bit.  (He gets his revenge later, don't worry...)

Also discussed, Pokepress has uploaded some interviews with Ralph Schuckett, composer of the dub score of movies 1-3:

Part 2 (covers The First Movie): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnlWDLYlk78
Check them out to learn more about scoring movies in the Pokemon World!


And finally, info on Ear Buds, the Podcast Documentary!  Please go find out about this!  Tell other people it's a thing!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Episode 128: Subliminal Messaging!

This episode comes with a conspiracy theory!  One that has been confirmed true and yet I'm still not sure I believe it... I guess it's up to you, listeners!  Also, I am very concerned on the subject of Satoshi and Pikachu's mortality, and the Pokemon Company just does not want my Magikarp to be the very best like no one ever was.  (FEAR MY FLOPPY FISH!)
Also, some filler episode about Ledyba.  Tune in to listen!

You can also visit PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network for all your Pokemon Music needs!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Episode 127: Blue Moon...

Team Rocket are not the main thieves of this episode, not that they're going to let someone else do their job.  Also, is Chikorita Yandere or Tsundere?  This is important, okay!  Serious business!
Tune in here to listen!

This picture is worth a thousand words...
Also, visit PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network!  Pokemon music, 24/7!

Took their time, but otherwise, so far, so good...

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Special Episode: Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Merry Christmas 2.0!  Yup, another special, this time it's in order, though!  Watch Chikorita fight with Pikachu, watch Bulbasaur and Poliwag mess with Meowth, watch Santa fly through the sky!  Ho Ho Ho and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Kick off your new year with Pokemon music at PIRN!  The Pokemon Internet Radio Network!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Episode 126: Team Stubborn!

Ash is trying to catch a pokemon, but it doesn't go quite as planned.  That said, this Chikorita would be such a great addition to his team... But first we have to rescue it from itself.  Tune in to meet Chikorita!

Also, visit PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network!  This way to the Poke-tunes!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Episode 124: The Runaway Bride!

Living in the lap of luxury... well, we aren't, but a new pokemon called Snubbull is, and the kids get a small taste of how the other half lives.  But Snubbull doesn't seem too happy with the privileged life... Tune in to find out why!

And also, Drop by PIRN to listen to pokemon themed radio 24/7!