Saturday, April 13, 2024

Episode 353: Twister Time!

 Have you ever heard of PokeRinging? It's a new sport we're going to learn about, though I hate that name. James, turns out, is a bit proficient in this area... Tune in to hear James be competent, using May's given name and recreating my childhood Judo tournament! Click here to listen!

Monday, March 4, 2024

Episode 352: Material Spoink!

 Two reccuring characters appear! A pokemon that delights me just saying it's name, and everyone's favorite Magikarp Salesman!  I love that guy, so tune in to hear his latest scam!

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Episode 351: Female Rage!

 I'm mad at this episode, I feel persoanlly attacked. To be fair, it was likely unintentional on the writer's part and I will get over it but some things are infuriating and I am allowed to be upset. So on that note... tune in to watch May navigate her mistakes and the patriarchy, and hear how I might rewrite the episode to make it just a little less... sigh... Click here to Listen!

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Episode 350: The Auntie Posse Rolls In!

 This episode is not gonna win awards for it's amazing craftsmanship, but it wins all the awards in my heart. Sometimes a piece of art just hits you a way at a time, and this was that episode for me. A bunch of grown women team up and are excellent, and a show that is typically driven by a male perspective let that happen. Its also legitimately funny and Drew is only sort of a piece of crap, so tune in for some fun!