Monday, December 5, 2016

Episode 269: Rivals Forever!

Ash faces off against Gary in the Silver Conference, on this second day of the Holiday Marathon!  I get really inside baseball (and maybe fan theory heavy) on Gary, Pikachu and the high stakes in this battle.  It's only part one, guys, so there's more to come... Click here to listen, or download by right-clicking and saving the file!
By the way, Pokepress started their own podcast!  What's their first episode like?  (I'm involved, so it must be fabulous, right?)  You should check it out for yourself!  Click  here!   Then, they also started reviewing the "Pokemon Christmas Bash" CD!  Check that out, here!
And if you want to keep up with the points on Fantasy Pokemon League, head on over to our Facebook!

1 comment:

  1. Anne, I think these videos might be of your interest:
