Sunday, September 28, 2014

Episode 163: All Hail Lord Helix!

Gary missed out on a lot of things because he was being prideful/antagonistic/questioning his life choices... but I'm sure his biggest regret is missing this episode.  Really, if there was ever an episode that needed an appearance from Indiana Oak, this was it.  That said, the episode's pretty entertaining without him... Tune in to listen!

And don't forget:  Pokepress has a new soundcloud page!  A great place to find their previous interviews.  Also, visit PIRN Radio to stream Pokemon music to your heart's content! Music and Behind-the-scenes stuff?  What more could you want, right?

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Episode 162: It's a Rock! It's a Tree! It's... Sudowoodo!

No matter how much the regional professors toil at their research, there will always be some mysteries in the world of Pokemon.  One such mystery has a pair of scientists stumped.  Can Ash and his friends help shed some light on this?  Tune in to find out!
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Yeah, it's that episode...

Pokepress has a soundcloud page!  A great place to find their previous interviews.  And don't forget to visit PIRN Radio to stream Pokemon music to your heart's content!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Episode 161: Bug-Off!

Who's that Pokemon?

An old friend is back!  Casey, the baseball enthusiast!  Not only this, but Ash catches a new Pokemon?  It's an episode full of familiar faces and also surprise twists, tune in to listen!

Pokepress has a soundcloud page!  A great place to find their previous interviews.  And don't forget to visit PIRN Radio to stream Pokemon music to your heart's content!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Episode 160: The Thrilling Adventure Half-Hour!

I don't think it's possible to articulate how epic and full of crack this episode is. 

Oh, it starts out fairly normal.  But a little improv goes wrong in a hurry, and before we know it, the whole thing is a delightful mess.  Really, this one is worth a rewatch. 
Tune in to see what I'm talking about!!

Also for your entertainment, Pokepress has two new videos up!  An interview with a SuperSmash Bros Player, and also, a consumer warning!

And of course, drop by PIRN, the Pokemon Internet Radio Network, for pokemon music streaming 24/7!