Saturday, September 15, 2012

Episode 69: To The Stars!

We could train for the Pokemon League, but you know, how often do you get to be part of a Hollywood movie?  And so, training takes yet another rest... Our heroes audition to be in a new feature film, some with more sucess than others.  But will they rewrite the plot with their own antics?
This man is in charge...
...but not everyone's dreams will come true...
...and the hopes are high...

...the stairway to heaven...
...and I don't know what to say about this shot...

Click here, or on the title to listen!


  1. So, despite every fact we have about which region represents which area, what if we were wrong. Perhaps Kanto is supposed to be like America, And Unova like Tokyo. Maybe the writers got a little backwards?

  2. Well I guess Ash could always quit being a trainer to be in the movies or be a manger for his pokemon who will be the stars but I gotta say to Ash

    Dude how much have you trained since you got home aside from battling team rocket and gaining little expierience have you done anything to toughen up your pokemon have you used drugs or tms if they exist do you like Gary calling you a loser well if you train you can prove him wrong so what now are you going to train or let every little distraction take you away from yourn main goal and when are you going to like you've always said "catch them all"
