Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Episode 94: Heavy Hitters

You know, it's been awhile since Ash caught any new pokemon, hint, hint... Could it be?  Is our boy actually going to be proactive?  I won't tell you who the new teammate will be, but the guy's got a healthy appetite!  Tune in to hear this not-actually-so-epic-but-still-funny tale of capture, here on Pikapi Podcast, The Pokemon Anime Podcast!


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Episode 93: Down With the Ship!

Ah, true love... or not... But romance is definitely in the air on this tropical island.  The shipping gets in full swing, while Ash attempts to earn his second badge in the Orange League.  Will he win his prize and his woman? Well, since women aren't prizes, it's unlikely. You'll have to just tune in and see...


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Episode 92: King-Sized Magikarp!

Our heroes are overtaken by someone with some serious kayaking skills.  Could it be...?  Nurse Joy?  And is that a ten foot Magikarp I see?  (I want it!) Also, there is some talk of anime conventions, and Best Wishes info.  (We may see someone we've not seen in a long, long, LONG while...)
The Magikarp of my dreams!
 Aaaand, because I'm still hung up in Best Wishes...

And one for old time's sake...

All this and more, here on Pikapi Podcast!