Saturday, August 25, 2012

Movie Episode 1: MewTwo Beats Up Everybody!

After last episode's disaster of having to listen to the Mr. Mime episode twice, we've uncrossed all our wires and bring you _Da da da DAAAA!_ Pokemon: The First Movie!  
I'm so happy to have made it here!  Thanks to all the listeners for supporting me!  Hopefully, you enjoy the special movie episode, and I can entertain you for well over an hour.  There will be laughs, there will be sap, there will be meta rants, all the usual, just much more of it!

Click here!  Tune in to listen as MewTwo gets both violent and existential, while Ash just wants to go to the "cool kids" party.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Episode 67: If Everybody Had An Ocean...

Ash clearly took all of his Intelligence stats and threw them into Luck...
Surfin' Kanto, we've arrived just in time for the one-in-twenty-year wave, Humunga Dunga!  Ash was training in the Seafoam Islands, but I think the allure of surfing is going to pull he and Pikachu from their goal.  But to make us see double, there's a second Pikachu featured in this episode... Tune in to meet Puka, the cute, aging surfer of the seas!

Click here to listen! 

Better watch out, waves!

Also, I made an error in the episode title:  Today we're reviewing episode 67: The Pi-Kahuna, not "Surf's up, Pikachu".  Sorry, we did not go manga on you all, I just mixed some stuff up.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Episode 66: Yet Another Weirdo Scientist...

Seriously, why are all the scientists in Kanto total nut jobs?  Even Proffesor Oak is a bit wacky.  I don't know if this qualifies as training, but Ash certainly thinks so, and hey, I'm all up for that kid getting some knowledge crammed into his head.  And so, it's off to the beach!  We visit Seafoam Islands and answer a few questions about Shellder and Slowpoke... and ask a great many more...

This was my reaction, too...
Click here to listen!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Episode 65: The Showdown Was A Lie

So, it's time for the Pokemon League- oh, wait, psyche out... Well, Ash and Gary are gonna finally have that battle, right? Nope, psyched you out again.  What does go down in this episode?  Well, you'll have to tune in to find out, won't you? ;)  All I'll tell you is that a building gets destroyed by a cameo, and a fence gets destroyed by a plot hole.  Click here to listen!

There may not be a battle, but there will be this... 

 And some of this....

A bit of this....

And, in case we forgot to mention, a whole lot of this....

 Why wouldn't you want to tune in?