Monday, November 28, 2011

Episode 30: Sludge Bombs and Flu Season!

Ah, young love!  It's in the air, along with an unbearable stink.  Who's our twitterpated pokemon today?  Is this love returned?  Did Gringey City's Nurse Joy really pass her medical exams?  And, where is Butterfree, really?  All that and more!  HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
The Kanto Map Update...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Episode 29: Rolling With The Punches!

Tourney Time!  The P1 Grand Prix is about to begin, and Primape is a contender!  How did this come about?  Who else has entered?  Why is there no 80's training montage set to shmaltzy music?  Listen as Ash becomes a boxing coach, here on Pikapi podcast!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Episode 28: Beauty is Skin Deep!

It's time for a make-over!  Do you prefer natural beauty, or funky fashion?  You get a bit of both in this episode, as well as a new addition to the team!  Onwards to Sizzor Street!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Episode 27: I Dream, Therefore, I am

A short episode, not much happened despite the town's "hoppin'" name... but we do get a new member to the traveling party!  That, and Misty gives us a great Seel impersonation.  Come in and meet the Pokemon Lover's Club, and see their crazy shenanigans!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Episode 26: Returning to the Path!

Believe it or not, there is an update!  No, Pikapi Podcast is not over yet, though I'm sorry that I let us be thrown off-course by life.  Speaking of being thrown off course... our protagonists have some navigational quirks that need addressing... Check out the TOWN MAP- KANTO After that, it's time for another gym battle, and a little bit of cross-dressing.  "Ashley" gets ready to take on the Pokemon League, here in Episode 26!  Just click to listen!
Special Thanks to listeners Jim and Jordan, who reviewed while I was away!  Sorry to keep you waiting, guys!